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什么是服务的颗粒度?一般的说法,服务颗粒度(service granularity)就是指一个服务包含的功能大小



  • 细粒度(fine-grained):提供相对较小的功能单元
    • 优点:完成复杂的业务逻辑往往需要编排大量细粒度的接口,灵活性强
    • 缺点:需要通过多次的服务请求交互才能实现。
  • 粗粒度:(coarse-grained):则是在一个抽象的接口中封装了大块的业务/技术能力。
    • 优点:减少服务请求交互的次数,减少成本
    • 缺点:会带来服务实现的复杂性,交互大量的数据,并因此而不能灵活更改以适应需求的变化。 Common Concepts It is important to consider the granularity of the service’s operations when designing your Web service interface. Generally, you should consolidate related fine-grained operations into more coarse-grained ones to minimize expensive remote method calls. Keep in mind that too much consolidation leads to inefficiencies. When exposing existing stateless session beans as Web service endpoints, ensure that the web service operations are sufficiently coarse grained.